Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taking The First Step - What This Blog Is About

This is the start of a very exciting and very scary road for me. My inspiration for this blog lies in two things, a very couragous woman named Ruby, and my extreme desire to compete without failure.

Those watching the TSN Channel (183) on DSTV, will know Ruby. She has lost over half her body weight and is down to 350 pounds (about 180kg). Yes, you heard right...HALF HER BODY WEIGHT.

I have struggled with my weight for close to ten years now. I know where it started, and that will be part of this diary and I have an idea what factors are playing a role, but that all to follow in the months to come.

I have always made very half hearted attempts at losing weight, but never taking it really seriously. My biggest problems were 1) Never noticing I was picking up weight and 2) Looking thinner to myself than I really was. I just woke up one day and here I was 40kg lighter than when I went to sleep 10 years ago. Of course I noticed by having to buy bigger sizes, but I still didn't click. I still don't think I'm THAT FAT, but 101.6 is defenitely not small, so I no longer trust my judgement in how I view myself.

Last week I pulled the scale at 103.6, my heaviest ever. I once again made myself a promise to start dieting that very day........of course I didn't. So imagine my surprise yesterday when I got onto the bathroom scale and there it was 101.6kg. I got on twice after for confirmation and it came back affirmative. I had lost two kilo's in a week without trying. I know I drank more water, and unintentionally got a bit more exercise, but that alone won't make you drop 2kg.

I don't care if was water retention that added that extra 2kg, all I know is something in my head clicked. Like Ruby, I am taking this battle public, because it will be very hard on me to fail publicly. By doing this in view of everyone, I cannot fail, even if I wanted to.

The plan is to keep a food diary via this blog, as many weight loss programmes advise you to do. The plan is to start figuring out why I am addicted to food and what makes me behave nutritionally the way I do.

Because at the end of the day nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

Planned for tomorrow: Pics of me weighing 53kg!!!!! Unbelievebale to think I used to wear a size 8!

Here is more about Ruby:


Nikki said...

Can't wait to see the fat melt off.

Good luck, behind you all the way.


Della said...

I want to join you!!

Sterkte vriendin. Ek kan nie wag dat ek en jy gaan shop vir ons maer klere nie!

Mel Honiball said...

Okay testing this from my other blog...seems to work.

Size 12 jeans here I come (hoping for size 10 though, but a corner stone of losing weight would be "be realistic" right?

Evelyn said...

Funny enough I was actually watching an episode of Ruby this morning! And I saw her interview with Oprah a while back.

Good luck hun. I know you can do this!
Will be cheering from the sidelines!
x x x