Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Thinning at a glance

This is not the photo I had in mind, but it seems the one i rally wanted to post has gone AWOL, so this will have to do.

Had a good day yesterday, the only real "naughty" thing was the five chips I had with me (home made) hamburger last night. But then seeing I only ate one hamburger and a few chips instead of the usual two AND chips I am pretty okay with that.

Feeling a little under the weather today, very tired and slightly light headed. I haven't starved myself and keep my bloodsugar levels in mind so I think it may just eb my body going through a sugar/carbs withdrawal. The plan was to have a lie down in our restroom this afternoon, but now I went and forgot my cell phone so I don't have an alarm to wake me.

Ditched the sugar on my cereal this morning, chances are it would just give me a short pickup before I crash completely so now I'm stuck with really yucky tasting cereal. I didn't make lunch so i have no idea whats waiting in the lunchbox, but at least Wouter supports me in this. Although I had to wait for him to go bath so I can chuck the butter toffee drinking yoghurt down the drain he bought me. THAT was hard...I just love those yogi sip drinks.....


Della said...

I'm gonna get you some aspartame free sweetner from the pharmacy. Lovely! To sweeten up your cereal.

Jy het my inspireer en ek begin ook vandag!

Kerry said...

I am going to join you as soon as I get back from Taiwan. I am watchingmy clothes shrink and I am sure it is not the washing machine.

Lilian January said...

I am proud of you girl!!!! Whoo whoo.... ek sal hier wees om jou aan te moeding 1000000%

Evelyn said...

One step at a time!! Well done for getting through the first day!